Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: TQ_048
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

How to great in the new world.

Course code: TQ_068
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The focus of your call center may be to generate sales or to handle customer service, either way, your department has an important role in the organization. The call center team is the face of the company for the customer, hence plays a crucial role in customer handling. Call centers generate a high turnover, which makes it even more important to exhibit consistent management and strong leadership to avoid attrition and to increase productivity and response time. 

In this lesson, let’s look at some ways that you can develop and maintain a happy, productive, and motivated call center team.


• Hire and train the right professional 

• Measure, monitor, and motivate your employees 

• Reward and affirm your team

Course code: TQ_058
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Being a successful virtual leader takes a lot more energy than a face-to-face leader. It is also important to keep each employee engaged in a “high-touch” environment. Leadership qualities such as communication, coaching, feedback, and professional development are important, yet it is how you deliver these qualities can be challenging. Virtual life has its pros and cons, hence it is important to have strong communication skills through effective virtual meetings that allow all employees to contribute. 


• Identify ways to create a high-touch environment

• Enlist the elements of a successful virtual environment

• Demonstrate leading change in a virtual environment

• Determine factors in creating successful virtual teams



Course code: TQ_070
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Mintutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Microaggressions are one aspect on the spectrum of racism. They are interpersonal, everyday occurrences that have a significant impact. When faced with the need to eradicate racism in our society, it can feel like an overwhelming task. Understanding the macro effects of microaggressions, and how to address them, is a great place to start.


• What is a microaggression and examples?

• What are the macro effects of microaggressions?

• How do we address microaggressions in the workplace?


Course code: TQ_076
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The success of a product or services organization is dependent on how effectively their sales team sells. The ability of a company's sales reps to “win” at each stage of the selling process, and ultimately earn the business on the right terms and in the right timeframe, determines the sales team’s effectiveness. In this course, you will get familiarized with the importance of cold calling, it’s key principles and the tips and trick of mastering the subject.


• Define cold calling

• Identify key principles of effective cold-calling

• Enlist the tips to master cold calling


Course code: VTK-007
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 4750,-

Kurset skal gi deltakerne opplæring i sikkerhetsbarrierer og tiltak ved fylling av flasker og bruk av gassboosterpumpe. Kurset tar for seg pressluftflasker, nitrogenflasker og andre typer gassflasker.


Høytrykksfylleanleggets tekniske oppbygning

Gassboosterpumpens oppbygning og sikkerhetsbarrierer

Bestanddeler i sikker pusteluft


Nitrogen, bruksområder og egenskaper

Hvordan fylle pressluftflasker og gassflasker på en sikker og forsvarlig måte

Bruk av gassboosterpumpe

Service- og kontrollrutiner for pressluftflasker og gassflasker

Merking av pressluftflasker og gassflasker

Skadenivåer på flasker- gjenkjenne de ulike nivåene

Sikkerhetsregler for drift og vedlikehold av fylleanlegg

Sikkerhetstiltak og barrierer som skal hindre overfylling

Praktiske øvelser med bruk av fylleanlegg og gassboosterpumpe

Avsluttende, praktisk prøve


Hovedmålet Etter kurset skal deltakerne kunne fylle flasker og betjene bassboosterpumpe på en trygg og forsvarlig måte.


Deltakeravgiften inkluderer kursdeltakelse, dokumentasjon, kursbevis og lunsj.

Course code: GAN-013
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 12 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3025,-

Grunnleggende sikkerhetsopplæring for bruk av VHF/SRC utstyr. Kurset passer for fritidsbåtbrukere, samt ansatte offshore og på land som har behov for å bruke VHF-radio i tjenesten. Det er et internasjonalt krav at maritimt VHF radioutstyr skal betjenes av personer som innehar VHF-sertifikat.




-Holdninger til radiokommunikasjon

-Generelt om bruk av VHF/SRC






-Eksamen gjennom Telenor Maritim Radio

Course code: KOL-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 28 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7900,-

Hensikten med opplæringen er å gi truckførere allsidig praktisk opplæring og øvelse i sikker bruk av truck, slik at ulykker i forbindelse med bruken unngås. Opplæringen skal gi fører så gode kjøreferdigheter at vedkommende selvstendig på en sikker måte skal kunne gjennomføre oppdrag med truck.

Truckfører må imidlertid gjennomføre typeopplæring på den trucken som til enhver tid benyttes i tillegg til sertifisert sikkerhetsopplæring. Opplæringen avsluttes med en praktisk prøve som innbefatter kontroll og bruk av aktuelle trucker.

Bestått praktisk prøve på aktuelle trucker vil være grunnlag for utstedelse av kompetansebevis for fører av truck

Modul 1.1 (8 timer) Arbeidsmiljø, ansvar og konsekvenser

Modul 2.2 (14 timer) Truck 

Modul 3.2 (6 timer) Praktisk bruk

This course is only available in Norwegian.

G8: Lastebilkran - Modul 2.8 og 3.8

Course code: KOL-017
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 28 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: Not set

The course is only available in Norwegian.

Etter å ha gjennomgått og bestått modulene 1.1 (8 timer) og 2.3 (16 timer), skal eleven gjennomføre modul 2.8 (20 timer) og 3.8 (8 timer). Dette skal gi førerne en god generell grunnopplæring i sikker bruk og praktisk forståelse for prinsippene for traverskraner.



- Konstruksjon

- Oppbygging

- Betjening

- Bruksegenskaper

- Bruksområder

- Sikkerhetsutstyr

- Viktige kontrollpunkter

- Vedlikehold


Etter gjennomført kurs må deltageren gjennomføre 40 timer kjøretrening med kran, med fadder. Det avlegges da en praktisk kjøreprøve som vil gi grunnlag for utstedelse av kompetansebevis.

Course code: STQ-016
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 8 hours (1 day)
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3990,-


Opplæringen gir deltaker en generell forståelse for oppbygging, innhold og bidra til et akseptert sikkerhetsnivå for personell, miljø og materielle verdier i planlegging og utførelse av løfteoperasjoner. Fokus på ansvar og holdninger i utførelsen av løfteoperasjoner.

Målsettingen med kurset er å gi operatører en god teoretisk og praktisk grunnopplæring i NORSOK standard R-003 - N2017.


Innhold: • Introduksjon

• Normative og informative referanser

• Termer, definisjoner og forkortelser

• Sikker bruk av løfteutstyr

• Tilleggskrav ved løfting av personell

• Tilleggskrav for ulike løfteinnretninger

• Tilleggskrav for ulike løfteredskap

• Faste festepunkter og midlertidig oppstilte løfteinnretninger

• Roller og ansvar

• Krav til opplæring

• Krav til lokale prosedyrer

• Logistikkplanlegging

• Dokumentasjon og merking

• Håndsignaler

• Vedlikehold

• Sakkyndig virksomhet

• Bruk av risikokartlegging

• Samløft

• Sjekkliste for løfteoperasjoner under marginale værforhold

• Avsluttende prøve

Course code: TQ_035
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 MInutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Presenting to groups is a regular part of many leaders’ responsibilities. You may speak at industry gatherings, leadership retreats, conferences, or staff meetings. Regardless of whether you’re presenting to large or small groups, your goal should be to deliver your message in a way that is engaging and interactive. Studies say that you have less than one minute to engage your audience before they begin to lose interest. And once you’ve captured their attention, you must continue to purposefully interact with them throughout the presentation. This course will enable you to enhance your engagement techniques which can be the difference makers that determine how focused, connected, and engaged your audience will be throughout your presentation.


• Identify the steps involved in planning for a successful presentation

• Recognize the importance and methods of practice

• Demonstrate the practices essential to boost your confidence while delivering a presentation


Course code: AST-002
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: Approx. 90 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 780,-

Provided in association with Astutis, NEBOSH Learning Partner 807.

The NEBOSH General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (NG) is one of the leading health and safety qualifications recognized globally.  It helps develop your understanding of general workplace issues and how they can be applied in different sectors around the world.


The NEBOSH General Certificate focuses on the role of a real-life health and safety professional. It looks at the real, everyday risks that people encounter and how to manage them to help protect people and profits. 


You'll develop the essential risk management skills to create a safe and healthy workplace. And, you’ll have the foundation knowledge to make recommendations to your employer to help them improve health and safety management.


Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:


• Justify health and safety improvements using moral, financial and legal arguments

• Summarise the main health and safety duties of employers and workers in HSWA 1974 and MHSWR 1999

• Advise on the main duties for health and safety in the workplace and help their organisation manage contractors

• Work within a health and safety management system, recognising what effective policy, organisational responsibilities and arrangements should look like

• Positively influence health and safety culture and behaviour to improve performance in their organisation

• Do a general risk assessment in their own workplace – profiling and prioritising risks, inspecting the workplace, recognising a range of common hazards, evaluating risks (taking account of current controls), recommending further control measures, planning actions

• Recognise workplace changes that have significant health and safety impacts and effective ways to minimise those impacts

• Develop basic safe systems of work (including taking account of typical emergencies) and knowing when to use permit-to-work systems for special risks

• Take part in incident investigations

• Help their employer to check their management system effectiveness – through monitoring, audits and reviews

Course code: BVS-029
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course aims at providing an overview of the shipping community, the main players intervening on a ship and the different roles they play. It provides general information about ship owners and managers, flag administrations, classification societies, insurance companies, port state control, operational players and specialized press.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Discover the different actors and organisms related with shipping

Know the relationship between the various shipping actors

Understand the role of the different shipping actors


Overview of the major shipping players

Ship Owners

Categories of ship owners

Ship managers

Professional associations










International Maritime Organization (IMO)

International Labour Organization (ILO)

European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)

United States Coast Guard (USCG)


Classification Societies

International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)



Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Clubs

Operational players






Port State Control (PSC)





On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded: 

A Certificate of Shipping, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Shipping is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-019
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course gives a general presentation of the three Advanced NDT Methods (Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD), Phased Array Ultrasonic (PAUT) and Digital Radiography (DR)), their basic principles and how the corresponding equipment should be used in accordance with the testing procedure to ensure the quality of the test performance and testing results.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the setup and principles of advanced NDT techniques in comparison with conventional methods.

Know the testing procedure and the inspection process referred to the equipment used.

Differentiate applications according to the advantages and limitations.

Get familiar with the aspects of test performance and obtained testing results.


Time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD)

o Basic principle

o Testing procedure

o System set-up and checks

o Data interpretation and evaluation

o Acceptance levels

o Advantages and limitations

Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique (PA-UT)

o Ultrasonic phased array technology

o Phased array benefits

o Basic principle

o Testing procedure

o Settings

o PA-UT instead of RT

o Advantages and limitations

Digital Radiography (DR)

o Digital radiography techniques

o Computed radiography & direct digital radiography

o Digital image quality

o Basic principles

o Testing procedure

o Evaluation and interpretation of results

o Advantages and limitations

Applications and acceptance criteria

o Scope

o Indication evaluation

o Acceptance criteria

o Test report

Reliability, quality of test results

o UT system performance

o NDT personnel competence


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of NDT – Advanced Techniques, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of NDT – Advanced Techniques is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

K-Bridge ECDIS Fam.

Course code: KOL-057
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 12 Hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


After the successful completion of the course, the participant should be able to:
• Understand the K-Bridge ECDIS system overview
• Operate the system with all available functions in order to  navigate safely under all conditions
• Explain the system’s menu structure
• Explain and utilize the system’s display setup
• Set safety values
• Recognize alarm and malfunction indicators and actions  to be taken
• Planning and validating routes
• Monitor routes on the system
• Change over to backup systems
• Install and update charts and licenses 


• Type-specific familiarization training on the K-Bridge   ECDIS
• Basic operations
• Navigation tools and functions
• Setting of safety parameters
• Sensor inputs and alarm handling
• Route planning, validation and monitoring
• Charts management
• Chart installation and updates


The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises.


This course can be held onboard upon request.


The course yields one diploma stating:
•  K-Bridge ECDIS  Familiarisation Course

Course code: STQ-007
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 5490,-

Objective: The purpose of the training is to provide crane operators, banksman / signalers with good general basic training in the safe use of lifting equipment, so that accidents and incidents in connection with use are avoided.

The authorities set requirements for basic safety certification of persons who are to drive forklifts, mass transfer machines and cranes. The requirements include both theoretical and practical training. To complete the common theory, one must take and pass a theoretical exam.

The G11 Lifting equipment Module 2.3 course gives you who will work with lifting equipment knowledge about safety, daily control and maintenance as well as disposal rules for various lifting equipment. We want to give you a conscious attitude to the dangers that can arise and how to avoid them. Our G11 course is led by instructors with great competence and practical experience from the use of lifting equipment.

Module 1.1 Working environment, responsibilities and consequences are common to machine, forklift and crane. If you can document that you have module 1.1 from before that is not older than 3 years, you can start right on module 2.3.

Contents Module 1.1

- Laws and regulations
- Working environment, responsibilities and consequences
- Environmental
- Safety regulations
- Dangerous goods, marking and handling

Contents Module 2.3

- Laws and regulations
- Work equipment and accessories
- Construction and operation
- Lifting gear
- Control and inspection
- Cargo handling
- Work environment
- Dangerous cargo
- Final theoretical test

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