Oil and Gas

Course catalogue


Course type

Course provider

  • Nosefo Bergen
Course code: NOG-OFI100-REP
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9900,-

The object of this course is to help course participants maintain and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding their role in an emergency response situation.


This course consists of a representative selection of the material from the Fire Team – Basic Course, adapted to participants’ previous knowledge, with major emphasis on practical training and drills.


This course is valid for 24 months.

Course code: NOG-OSC1141-REP
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 11500,-

The object of this course is to help participants maintain and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding their operational / emergency response function.


Course Content

Portions of this course will include group discussion and exchange of experiences, led by a helicopter pilot in active offshore service or with experience from offshore flying:

- Experiences from helideck service

- Improvement potential


Participants should also be able to: 

- Learn from the experience and incidents of other helideck personnel.

- Transfer their own experience as heliguards/HLO to other helideck crews.


This course is valid for 24 months.

Course code: NOG-OSE129-REP
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 10197,-

The object of this course is to help course participants maintain and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding their role in an emergency response situation.


This course consists of a representative selection of the material from the Lifeboat Coxswain Conventional Lifeboat – Basic Course, adapted to participants’ previous knowledge, with major emphasis on practical training and drills.


This course is valid for 2 years.
Course code: NOG-OFI100
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 18500,-

After completing the course, participants should have the necessary knowledge and skills to fight fires with the available equipment on the platform and on the vessel. Theoretical and practical instruction should provide participants with a clear understanding of their own and the equipment's limitations.


Course Content

- Emergency organisation

- Lifesaving First aid

- Checking the condition of the patient

- Fire theory

- Extinguishing agents

- Extinguishing equipment

- Fire fighting and limitations

- Physiology

- Pneumatic and other smoke diving equipment

- Search and rescue (smoke diving).

- Gas and liquids under pressure

- Mental reactions and dealing with stress (during accidents and disasters)

- Rescue work during a fire.


This course is valid for 48 months.

Course code: NOG-OSE129
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 18900,-

This course covers the necessary competence for being in command of a lifeboat in the event of a shipwreck or accident requiring evacuation, in other words, the entire rescue phase which consists of boarding and launching the lifeboat, moving to a safe distance from the installation and staying on the lifeboat at sea.


Course Content

- Prepare a conventional lifeboat for evacuation

- Organise and supervise embarkation

- Launch the lifeboat

- Attend to the passengers and facilitate the stay onboard after an evacuation.

- Establish and maintain communication with the rescue unit.


This course is valid for 24 months.

Course code: NOG-OSE135
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 13900,-

This course covers the necessary competence for being in command of a lifeboat in the event of a shipwreck or accident requiring evacuation, in other words, the entire rescue phase which consists of boarding and launching the lifeboat, moving to a safe distance from the installation and staying on the lifeboat at sea.


Course Content

After completion of the course, the students should be able to:

- Prepare a conventional lifeboat for evacuation

- Organise and supervise embarkation

- Launch the lifeboat

- Attend to the passengers and facilitate the stay onboard after an evacuation.

- Establish and maintain communication with the rescue unit.


This course is valid for 24 months

Course code: NOG-OSE135-REP
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 8137,-

The object of this course is to help course participants maintain and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding their role in an emergency response situation.


This course consists of a representative selection of the material from the Lifeboat Coxswain Conventional Lifeboat – Basic Course, adapted to participants’ previous knowledge, with major emphasis on practical training and drills.


This course is valid for 24 months.

Course code: NOG-OFA101
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 11900,-

This course provides basic training on relevant first aid topics, with emphasis on practical skills training. After completing the course, participants should be able to provide lifesaving first aid and be able to assist the nurse in the examination and treatment of patients.


Course Content

The course provides thorough basic instructions in relevant first aid topics emphasising training in practical skills. 

- Emergency measures/organisation

- General first aid

- Examination of the patient

- Unconsciousness

- Bleeding and traumatic amputation

- Abdominal injuries

- Loss of circulation

- Head injuries

- Back and neck injuries

- Fire and caustic burns incl. electricity and radiation

- Fractures

- Measuring blood pressure

- Chest pains (heart disease)

- Breathing problems and cramps

- Lifelessness – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

- Assisting the nurse in administering an infusion

- Hypothermia

- Mental reactions and dealing with stress (as a result of

accidents or disasters)

- Accident site with several injured – Triage on scene.

- Chest injuries


The course is valid for 24 months.

Course code: NOG-HUET
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: Not set
Language: Not set
Price: From NOK 4490,-
Course code: OSC1161
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: Not set
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 17900,-

Oppdatere, vedlikeholde kunnskaper, ferdigheter og holdninger innen sin beredskapsfunksjon i eller relatert til søk og redningslag og HLO. Erfaringsoverføring helivakt og HLO


Kurset er i hovedsak tillagt praktiske øvelser hvor brief og debrief er tillagt stor vekt.   

Taktisk lagarbeid. 



Værrapportering, kommunikajson og rutiner 

- Farlig gods 

- Flydrivstoff 

- Beredskapssituasjoner og normale operasjoner på helikopterdekk 

- Verneutstyr   


Deler av kurset kan bli gjennomført på engelsk.


Course code: MSE100
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 32 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 13900,-
Course code: NOG-OFA101-REP
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 6500,-

The object of this course is to help course participants maintain and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding their role in an emergency response situation.


A representative selection of the content of the basic first aid course adapted to the prior knowledge of the students with major emphasis on practical training and drills.


Course is valid for 12 months (may be taken on board).

Course is valid for 24 months on offshore service vessels.

Course code: MSE1001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9900,-
Course code: MFA1081
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9900,-

Gi kunnskaper og ferdigheter som kreves for å yte optimalt ved ulykker ombord. Kurset er oppbygd etter tabell A-VI/4-1 Medisinsk Førstehjelp.   

Godkjenning STCW-95 med tillegg Manila 2010.


Praktiske førstehjelpsøvelser med markører. 

Livreddende førstehjelp 




Akutte sykdommer 



Hode, nakke og ryggskader 

Psykologiske/psykiatriske utfordringer ombord 

Radio Medico   


Toksikologiske farer ombord

Course code: NMA-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 16500,-

Only in Norwegian

Kurset gir deltakerne kompetanse til å:

- Overleve til sjøs i tilfeller der skipet må forlates (tabell VI/1-1)
- Minimalisere risikoen for brann og opprettholde beredskap for å håndtere nødsituasjoner som involverer brann. Bekjempe og slokke branner (tabell VI/1-2)
- Handle omgående ved kjennskap til en ulykke eller annen medisinsk nødsituasjon (tabell VI/1-3).
- Følge nødprosedyrer. Ta forholdsregler for å hindre forurensning av det marine miljøet. Følge trygge arbeidsrutiner. Forstå ordrer og bli forstått i relasjon til plikter om bord på skip. Bidra til gode menneskelige relasjoner om bord på skip (tabell VI/1-4)



Kurset inneholder obligatoriske minstekrav til grunnleggende sikkerhetsopplæring for alle sjøfolk i henhold til STCW konvensjonen og består av 4 deler:
- Personlige redningsteknikker (tabell A-VI/1-1)
- Forebyggende brannvern og brannslokking (tabell A-VI/1-2)
- Grunnleggende førstehjelp (tabell A-VI/1-3) 
- Personlig sikkerhet og omsorg for menneskeliv og miljø (tabell A-VI/1-4)

Course code: MFA104
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: Not set
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 13900,-
Course code: NMA-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 4800,-

Only in Norwegian

Etter gjennomført opplæring skal deltagerne ha kunnskaper og ferdigheter i å reagere og handle ved alarm, samt følge nødprosedyrer. Sikre effektiv evakuering av fartøyet og ivareta passasjerer og mannskap i en evakueringssituasjon.

Kursinnhold er i henhold til STCW-95, tabell A-V/2 og A-V/3.

- Organisere nødprosedyrer om bord 
- Skipets konstruksjon med muligheter og begrensninger 
- Beredskapsplaner og nødprosedyrer 
- Optimalisere bruk av ressurser 
- Ressursutnyttelse / øvelsemønstre 
- Styre tiltakene i en nødsituasjon 
- Organisasjon 
- Ledelse 
- Kommunikasjon 
- Håndtering av passasjerer og annet personell i nødsituasjoner 
- Bevissthet om allmenne reaksjonsmønstre 
- Etablere og opprettholde effektiv kommunikasjon 
- Betydningen av å etablere og opprettholde effektiv kommunikasjon 
- Praktiske øvelser 
- Gruppeoppgaver 
- Veiledning og instruksjon under vanskelige forhold

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