Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: LSI-004
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 7 hour
Language: Norwegian
Price: NOK 1490,-
Course code: AST-009
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 6 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 95,-

Provided in association with Astutis, approved centre 1857.

IOSH Working Safely is an essential short course for employees of organisations in any industry sector who need a grounding in health and safety. 


Provides an awareness of general workplace hazards and focuses on why health and safety is important to the well-being of the individual worker and those around them.


On completion of the course, learners will be able to:


• Why staff must work safely

• Staff's responsibility towards health, safety and wellbeing

• The difference between hazards and risks

• Hazard and risk identification, impact and how to control them

• The importance of safety performance within the workplace and how to improve it

• How industry affects the environment


Course code: AST-004
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 500 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 3528,-

Provided in association with Astutis, NEBOSH Learning Partner 807.

The NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety is an advanced health and safety qualification. Equivalent to an undergraduate degree in OHS. The NEBOSH Diploma is NEBOSH's flagship qualification. It is recognised by employers and professional bodies in over 180 countries around the world!


The qualification will develop competence in all areas of health and safety so you can reduce risk in dangerous environments and keep people safe. It is the ideal course if you want a successful, long-term career in health and safety.


Unit A: Managing Health and Safety

This unit provides an in-depth understanding of the key areas for managing health and safety, covering moral, economic and societal drivers, health & safety law and health & safety management systems. 


A1 - Principles of health & safety management

A2 - Principles of health & safety law

A3 - Criminal Law

A4 - Civil Law

A5 - Loss causation and incident investigation

A6 - Measuring and reviewing health and safety           

A7 - Identifying hazards, assessing and evaluating risk

A8 - Risk control

A9 - Organisational factors

A10 - Human factors

A11 - The role of health & safety practitioner


Unit B: Hazardous Agents in the Workplace

Unit B details all major aspects of managing chemical, biological, physical and physiological hazards in the workplace.


B1 - Managing Occupational Health

B2 - Identification, assessment & evaluation of hazardous substances

B3 - Control of hazardous substances

B4 - Monitoring and measuring

B5 - Biological agents

B6 - Physical agents - noise and vibration

B7 - Physical agents - radiation

B8 - Mental ill-health & dealing with violence & aggression at work

B9 - Musculoskeletal risks and controls

B10 - Work environment risks and controls


Unit C: Workplace and Work Equipment Safety

Unit C provides a thorough understanding of how to create and manage safe working environments, covering welfare, fire, dangerous substances, work equipment, electricity, construction and transport. 


C1 - Workplace welfare requirements and specific workplace issues

C2 - Fire and explosion

C3 - Workplace fire risk assessment

C4 - Storage, handling and processing of dangerous substances

C5 - Work equipment (general)

C6 - Work equipment (workplace machinery)

C7 - Mobile, lifting, access and work at height equipment

C8 - Electrical safety 

C9 - Construction & works of a temporary nature - hazards and controls

C10 - Workplace transport and driving for work

Course code: BVS-034
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course provides an overview of the general hazards existing on board ships, the appropriate protective equipment to be worn, the precautions to be taken before entering a confined space and other dangerous situations.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Know the general principles and the hazards existing on board ships

Get familiar with the different personal protective equipment and their applications 

Understand the hazards related to confined space entries, and the precautions to be taken

Know the precautions to be taken about the various dangerous situations likely to be found on board ships.


General principles

Risk control structure

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

o Protection of the head

o Protection of eyes and face

o Respiratory protection

o Protection of the feet

o Hearing protection

o Protection of the body

o Protection against fall from height

o Protection of the hands

o Other safety equipment

Safe boarding of ships and offshore units

General precautions while working on board

o Slips, trips and falls

o Internal inspections

o Engulfment

o Fire & explosion

o Hazardous materials

o Air quality & Oxygen rate

o Main points of attention

Confined spaces

o General precautions

o Entry permit

o Rescue attempts

o Particularly dangerous spaces

Other dangerous situations

o Use of rafts or boats for inspections

o Working at height

o Pressure tests


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Personal Safety on Board Ships, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Personal Safety on Board Ships is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: AST-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 595,-

The IEMA Foundation course provides staff with a solid knowledge of the environment, sustainability, and governance principles relevant to organizations.  It covers specific management tools and skills with a practical application for the workplace to enable staff to improve performance.


Develop the knowledge and skills to help improve sustainability and environmental performance

Learn practical skills to help reduce the impacts of the organization on the environment


Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:


• Understand business, governance, and environmental principles and their relationship with organizations, products, and services

• Ensure compliance with major environmental policy and legislation 

• Implement specific tools, techniques, systems, and practices to improve sustainability performance

• Collect data, perform analysis and evaluate information to provide sustainable solutions

• Implement change and transformation to improve sustainability


Course code: VTK-005
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3900,-

Only in Norwegian

Hovedformålet med kurset er å skape gode holdninger til bruk av riktig verneutstyr, og forhindre at liv og helse går tapt.

Etter kurset skal deltakerne kunne:
- Kjenne til virkemåte og oppbygningen til ulike typer pusteluftkompressorer og pusteluftsystem
- Kjenne til hvilke bestanddeler sikker pusteluft inneholder
- Bruke åndedrettsvern på en trygg og sikker måte
- Utføre daglig renhold/vedlikehold på hodesett og bæresele
- Kjennskap til forskrift 706, kap. 10 og standardene NS-EN-14593, NS-EN 14594 og EN 12021
- Kjenne til kvalitetssikring av pusteluft, målemetoder og utstyr
- Kjenne til hvilke flasker, seler og hodesett som brukes til pusteluft
- Kjenne til farer og utfordringer ved arbeid i miljøer uten sikker pusteluft, og vite hva han/hun selv kan gjøre for å ivareta egen sikkerhet

Kurset inneholder oppgaver og praktiske øvelser.

Course code: TK-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3500,-

Section 3-5 of the Working Environment Act requires every organisation’s most senior manager to be able to document training in HSE work. This obligation is personal and may not be delegated, and the completed training must be documented in writing.
The HSE course for managers provides an introduction to the most important aspects of the HSE work, and is undertaken in accordance with the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s guidelines for this type of training. A course certificate is issued upon completion of the course in order to fulfil the written documentation requirement.

The following topics are covered in the HSE course for managers:
– Introduction to the content and structure of the Working Environment Act
– Information about the Working Environment Act’s regulations
– Roles in the HSE work
– Working environment requirements
– Physical and psychosocial working environment
– How to establish, implement and maintain an HSE system at the workplace

Course code: AST-007
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 6 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 156,-

Provided in association with Astutis, approved centre 1857.

IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing course will provide managers with the practical advice and tools to help create a healthy and productive workplace.


IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing is targeted at line managers and offers them practical advice to manage health risks and understand their responsibilities for the health and wellbeing of staff.  It equips line managers with the basic tools and techniques to play their part in improving health and wellbeing across their organisation.


The course is split into 4 modules and covers:


• Importance of managing workplace health and wellbeing

• Health risk management

• Fitness for work and the need to manage changes in the health status of employees

• The business value of promoting a wellbeing programme


Course code: AST-005
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 500 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 2628,-

Provided in association with Astutis, NEBOSH Learning Partner 807.

The NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety is an advanced health and safety qualification. Equivalent to an undergraduate degree in OHS. The NEBOSH Diploma is NEBOSH's flagship qualification. It is recognized by employers and professional bodies in over 180 countries around the world!

The qualification will develop competence in all areas of health and safety so you can reduce risk in dangerous environments and keep people safe. It is the ideal course if you want a successful, long-term career in health and safety.


Unit A: Managing Health and Safety

This unit provides an in-depth understanding of the key areas for managing health and safety, covering moral, economic, and societal drivers, health & safety law, and health & safety management systems. 


A1 - Principles of health & safety management

A2 - Principles of health & safety law

A3 - Criminal Law

A4 - Civil Law

A5 - Loss causation and incident investigation

A6 - Measuring and reviewing health and safety           

A7 - Identifying hazards, assessing and evaluating risk

A8 - Risk control

A9 - Organisational factors

A10 - Human factors

A11 - The role of health & safety practitioner


Unit B: Hazardous Agents in the Workplace

Unit B details all major aspects of managing chemical, biological, physical and physiological hazards in the workplace.


B1 - Managing Occupational Health

B2 - Identification, assessment & evaluation of hazardous substances

B3 - Control of hazardous substances

B4 - Monitoring and measuring

B5 - Biological agents

B6 - Physical agents - noise and vibration

B7 - Physical agents - radiation

B8 - Mental ill-health & dealing with violence & aggression at work

B9 - Musculoskeletal risks and controls

B10 - Work environment risks and controls


Unit C: Workplace and Work Equipment Safety

Unit C provides a thorough understanding of how to create and manage safe working environments, covering welfare, fire, dangerous substances, work equipment, electricity, construction, and transport. 


C1 - Workplace welfare requirements and specific workplace issues

C2 - Fire and explosion

C3 - Workplace fire risk assessment

C4 - Storage, handling, and processing of dangerous substances

C5 - Work equipment (general)

C6 - Work equipment (workplace machinery)

C7 - Mobile, lifting, access, and work at height equipment

C8 - Electrical safety 

C9 - Construction & works of a temporary nature - hazards and controls

C10 - Workplace transport and driving for work

Course code: LSI-002
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 4 hours 30 minutes
Language: Polish
Price: NOK 1190,-

This course covers the theoretical part of the documented safety training required for slingers and signallers. The course is also suitable as a refresher for crane operators and other personnel who have previously completed training in lifting appliances and lifting gear. The course content deals with selection, control and safe use of the most common lifting gear used in construction, industry, shipping and offshore. Signalling, communication and controlling the load are key topics of the course.

In addition, the course requires that practical training is conducted on applicable work equipment.


The course contains 9 modules:

• Lifting equipment, expressions and acronyms

• Slinging, center of gravity, working angles and lifting tables

• Fibre slings

• Lifting gears of chain

• Wire rope slings

• Shackles

• Eye bolts, nuts and lifting lugs

• Signals and signs, and control of load

• Safety regulations for lifting operations

Course code: VTK-007
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 4750,-

Kurset skal gi deltakerne opplæring i sikkerhetsbarrierer og tiltak ved fylling av flasker og bruk av gassboosterpumpe. Kurset tar for seg pressluftflasker, nitrogenflasker og andre typer gassflasker.


Høytrykksfylleanleggets tekniske oppbygning

Gassboosterpumpens oppbygning og sikkerhetsbarrierer

Bestanddeler i sikker pusteluft


Nitrogen, bruksområder og egenskaper

Hvordan fylle pressluftflasker og gassflasker på en sikker og forsvarlig måte

Bruk av gassboosterpumpe

Service- og kontrollrutiner for pressluftflasker og gassflasker

Merking av pressluftflasker og gassflasker

Skadenivåer på flasker- gjenkjenne de ulike nivåene

Sikkerhetsregler for drift og vedlikehold av fylleanlegg

Sikkerhetstiltak og barrierer som skal hindre overfylling

Praktiske øvelser med bruk av fylleanlegg og gassboosterpumpe

Avsluttende, praktisk prøve


Hovedmålet Etter kurset skal deltakerne kunne fylle flasker og betjene bassboosterpumpe på en trygg og forsvarlig måte.


Deltakeravgiften inkluderer kursdeltakelse, dokumentasjon, kursbevis og lunsj.

Course code: AST-002
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: Approx. 90 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 780,-

Provided in association with Astutis, NEBOSH Learning Partner 807.

The NEBOSH General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (NG) is one of the leading health and safety qualifications recognized globally.  It helps develop your understanding of general workplace issues and how they can be applied in different sectors around the world.


The NEBOSH General Certificate focuses on the role of a real-life health and safety professional. It looks at the real, everyday risks that people encounter and how to manage them to help protect people and profits. 


You'll develop the essential risk management skills to create a safe and healthy workplace. And, you’ll have the foundation knowledge to make recommendations to your employer to help them improve health and safety management.


Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:


• Justify health and safety improvements using moral, financial and legal arguments

• Summarise the main health and safety duties of employers and workers in HSWA 1974 and MHSWR 1999

• Advise on the main duties for health and safety in the workplace and help their organisation manage contractors

• Work within a health and safety management system, recognising what effective policy, organisational responsibilities and arrangements should look like

• Positively influence health and safety culture and behaviour to improve performance in their organisation

• Do a general risk assessment in their own workplace – profiling and prioritising risks, inspecting the workplace, recognising a range of common hazards, evaluating risks (taking account of current controls), recommending further control measures, planning actions

• Recognise workplace changes that have significant health and safety impacts and effective ways to minimise those impacts

• Develop basic safe systems of work (including taking account of typical emergencies) and knowing when to use permit-to-work systems for special risks

• Take part in incident investigations

• Help their employer to check their management system effectiveness – through monitoring, audits and reviews

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