Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: MTP-037
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: NOK 600,-

Who is this course for:
All employees working in ISPS-areas.

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role

How will this course benefit me?
Basic knowledge of ISPS rules and regulations applicable to international ports and harbours. The course objective is to raise awareness of possible threats to international ports and harbours. Completed course normally gives access to ISPS-areas on harbours.

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you have the knowledge related to ISPS rules and regulatins applicable to international ports and harbours.

What standards are referred to in this course?
ISPS code

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: RV-COR2
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 9 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 0,-
Course code: MUK-011
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

All personnel who work with machinery, tools and appliances.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course. 


How will the course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an awareness of the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) and how they apply in the workplace.


How will the course benefit my company?

This course will benefit companies’ by providing personnel with an awareness of PUWER. 


What standards are referenced in the course?

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)

Health and Safety at Work Act

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations


Is there an assessment?




This course is approved by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

IOSH is the world’s Chartered body for safety and health professionals.


What that means:

• We are the largest membership body for health and safety professionals.

• We champion occupational safety and health causes and advocate for change.

• We advise governments, NGOs and policymakers.

• We facilitate safety and health awareness training in around 130 countries through IOSH Services Ltd, our wholly-owned trading arm.

• We commission research and set national and international standards.

• We shape the future of the profession.

Course code: MTP-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 120 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: GBP 120,-

Who is this course for?

This HSE Introduction course is for all personnel who require an introduction to or awareness of HSE roles, responsibilities and duties in Norway.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will this course benefit me?

Health, safety and environment (HSE) considerations are vital to every organisation. Moreover, HSE requirements in the workplace are laid down in a range of laws, regulations and guidelines.

The employer has the primary responsibility for providing a suitable, safe working environment – and for ensuring sufficient training. This course aims to provide you with the baseline knowledge to be able to manage HSE challenges in your daily work.

How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you have sufficient knowledge of relevant HSE requirements, laws, regulations, guidelines and best practice.

What standards are referred to in this course?


Is there an assessment?


Course code: MUK-071
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

Personnel working in industries which release pollutants into the air as a result of their operations.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

By providing you with an awareness of the environmental issues associated with atmospheric emissions and how these impacts can be minimised.

How will the course benefit my company?

Personnel who are aware of the impacts of environmental emissions and how they can be controlled can help to ensure compliance with regulations and reduce harm to the environment.

What standards are referenced in the course?

Climate Change Act

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI

Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) Regulations

Offshore Combustion Installations (Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations (PPC Regulations)

Petroleum Act

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme

Ozone-depleting Substances Regulations

Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulations

Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Regulations

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MUK-185
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

Any personnel who require knowledge of Legionella bacteria.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

By providing personnel with an overview of the steps that can be taken to reduce the risks posed by Legionella in the workplace.


How will this course benefit my company?

By providing personnel with an overview of how to identify the risks associated with Legionella and the control measures that can be implemented to reduce those risks.


What standards are referred to in this course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.


This course is approved by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

IOSH is the world’s Chartered body for safety and health professionals.


What that means:

We are the largest membership body for health and safety professionals.

We champion occupational safety and health causes and advocate for change.

We advise governments, NGOs and policymakers.

We facilitate safety and health awareness training in around 130 countries through IOSH Services Ltd, our wholly-owned trading arm.

We commission research and set national and international standards.

We shape the future of the profession.

Course code: MTP-064-FT
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 120 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: NOK 700,-

Who is this course for?

Everyone working on low voltage installations.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role


How will this course benefit me?

The course meets the requirements set in § 7 of the "Safety Regulations for Work and Operation of Electrical Equipment and Installations- FSE", that relevant personnel shall be given annual training and instruction in FSE. The course also provides the necessary training and instruction in first aid, focusing on electrical injuries, with the exception of the mandatory practical training in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

The regulations of various authorities make FSE applicable to all those working with electricity, whether on board ship, on platforms or on land. This course is suitable for all, regardless of which industry you work in.

The authorities require that training in FSE and first aid in the event of electrical accidents is undertaken at least once a year. No more than 12 months shall elapse between training courses.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you have the knowledge and competence to be working on low voltage installations.


What standards are referred to in this course?

§ 7 of the "Safety Regulations for Work and Operation of Electrical Equipment and Installations- FSE".


Is there an assessment?

The fast track version of the FSE course starts with a pre-test which checks the participant's knowledge of FSE. Depending on the answers given, the participant will get a course that is tailored to the level of knowledge revealed in the pre-test. The fast track version of the course is suitable for all but is particularly practical for those undertaking refresher training in FSE. 

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MTP-062
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

Personnel at all levels within an organisation to establish a common benchmark of awareness.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

This course provides an overview of common corporate sustainability approaches and identifies the social, environmental and corporate governance aspects that should be considered during business operations. The course also identifies the human rights that are at risk of infringement in the work environment, and you will be aware of the global presence of modern-day slavery. During the course, you will be asked to make your own decisions in relevant dilemmas involving environmental criminality, corruption and breaches of labour rights.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are aware of the common corporate sustainability approaches and identifies the social, environmental and corporate governance aspects that should be considered during business operations.


What standards are referred to in this course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards but is written according to industry best practice.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MUK-014
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 120 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 1200,-

Who is this course for?
This course is aimed at all personnel involved in mechanical isolations.

Is previous experience required?
No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will this course benefit me?
This course aims to provide all relevant personnel with an overview of best practices in mechanical isolations.

How will this course benefit my company?
The course will benefit companies by ensuring that all relevant personnel have an understanding of mechanical isolation best practices, which will reduce accidents and injuries at work.

What standards are referred to in this course?
No standards or regulations are referenced in this course.

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MTP-067
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: NOK 400,-

Who is this course for?
Key employees (IT and HR staff, board members)

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role

How will this course benefit me?
This course is designed to raise the awareness how organisations, and all employees in contact with personal data are affected by GDPR Legislation (2018).

The course gives an overview of definitions, roles and responsibilities, the rights of individuals and the obligations of businesses with respect to the regulation.

We examine the territorial scope and outline the general requirements, technical solutions and administrative routines required for GDPR compliance, whilst also examining how to handle the issues sourrounding a data breach, should it occur.

The course content is developed in cooperation with Advokatfirmaet Schjødt AS.

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you have the awareness of how organisations, and all employees in contact with personal data are affected by GDPR Legislation (2018).

What standards are referred to in this course?
EU's General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (2018)

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: NOG-091
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: Norwegian
Price: NOK 135,-

Price for a company member of Norsk olje og gass: NOK 75,-

Course code: MTP-055
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 60 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: GBP 45,-

Who is this course for:
This course is designed for electrical personnel in various industries, including electricians, maintenance workers, facility managers, engineers, and safety professionals, to ensure they can work safely around electrical systems and equipment.

Is previous experience required?
This course is for qualified or instructed personnel.

How will this course benefit me?
By ensuring that the learner is equipped to identify and avoid electrical hazards, reducing the risk of electrical accidents and injuries.

How will this course benefit my company?
A reduction in workplace accidents related to electrical hazards that can lead to injuries, medical expenses, and potential legal liabilities.

What standards are referred to in this course?
FSE Regulations

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: NI-020
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: Norwegian / english
Price: NOK 400,-

The course covers the following topics:

- What is psychosocial working environment?
- Characteristics of good and poor psychosocial environment
- Roles and responsibilities
- Prevention

At the beginning of the course you can take a pre-test, where you get the opportunity to show your skills. If you pass the pre-test, you do not have to go through the entire course.

Course code: NI-001
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 hours
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: NOK 5300,-

Obligatory working environment training for safety deputies and union officials, completed as e-learning combined with classroom training. 

The course provides basic working environment training in accordance with the main contract between The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO).


Course Content


Interactive exercise sequences, video clips, and animations are used to illustrate the topics.

The course provides insight into why HSE work is important, using The Working Environment Act as a tool.

Knowledge of roles and responsibilities in relation to the working environment.

Using systematic methods for improving the working environment and for solving working environment issues.


Classroom Training

This internal company gathering can be conducted and organised by the company itself, or in collaboration with Mintra/The Federation of Norwegian Industries. If you would like Mintra/The Federation of Norwegian Industries to conduct the training, a minimum of 10 people must be enrolled.


If your company would prefer to conduct the training, relating content to internal routines and conditions, Mintra will contribute with documentation and information that describe activities related to this training. 

Contact us to find a suitable implementation model!

Course code: MUK-186
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

Personnel responsible for cooking, preparing or handing food and others working in the kitchen/galley/dining areas.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

This course will provide you with an introduction to industry best practice in relation to food safety, health and hygiene.


How will this course benefit my company?

This course will provide personnel with an introduction to industry best practice in relation food safety, health and hygiene and help reinforce the importance of good food safety practices in the workplace.


What standards are referred to in this course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MUK-188
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

This course aims to provide learners with an overview of industry best practice in relation to confined space entry work.


Learning Objectives

- LO1 Explain what is meant by a Confined Space
- LO2 Give examples of Confined Spaces
- LO3 Describe the dangers that can be caused by confined space entry work
- LO4 Identify the legal requirements associated with confined space entry work
- LO5 Explain how to avoid entering confined spaces
- LO6 Explain the importance of having a Safe System of Work in place
- LO7 Describe individual roles and responsibilities involved in Confined Space Entry work
- LO8 Explain the requirements for gas testing
- LO9 Identify acceptable levels for atmospheric test results
- LO10 Give examples of Confined Space Entry site safety equipment
- LO11 Explain the actions to take in an emergency situation
- LO12 Explain Confined Space Entry alarm procedures

Course code: Endur-AAK-007
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 40 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: NOK 1000,-

This course focuses on prevention of Dropped Objects and employs Samarbeid for Sikkerhet latest revision of the handbook, recommendation 024 (revision 4. 2018) as normative. 

Through increased understanding of the term Dropped Objects, the use of practical tools, aids and methods, the intention is for course participants to be more observant about dropped objects in their daily work. 

This revision was released on the 24.02.20. 


Course content: 

- Dropped Objects tools
- Dropped Objects categories
- Observation techniques 
- Barriers 
- How to improve Dropped Objects findings


Contact details: 

Please contact AAK Energy for more information: 

Contact person: Inge Køhl

Course code: MUK-121
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 1000,-

Who is this course for?

Personnel throughout an organisation which operates within major accident hazard sectors.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an introduction to major accident hazards.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you have had an introduction to major accident hazards.


What standards are referred to in this course?

The Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations

The Offshore Installation and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations (MAR)

The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire andf Explosion and Emergency Response) Regulations (PFEER)

The Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Contruction) Regulations (DCR)

The Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH)


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MTP-040
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: EUR 19.99

Who is this course for:
Maritime personnel, onshore and offshore.

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role.

How will this course benefit me?
The course looks at the purpose of the ISM Code, which is to maintain safety in international shipping, reduce pollution from vessels, protect the exterior environment and prevent injury or loss of human life.

How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you have the knowledge of the purpose of the ISM Code.

What standards are referred to in this course?

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code 

The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)

The International Safety Management (ISM) Code 

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MGM-030
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 40 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: NOK 1000,-

Who is this course for?
All personnel who are at risk for being exposed to benzene.

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.

How will this course benefit me?
This course aims to provide learners with an awareness of benzene and provide best practice for work with benzene in oil and gas producing facilities.

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you are aware of the impacts of benzene and familiar with best practice for work with benzene.

What standards are referred to in this course?
Norwegian Oil&Gas circulars NOG 130, 131&133
SOLAS - II/2/16.3.2
IMO circulars 1095 and 1220

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

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